Health Cloud Data Model Overview

Health Cloud Data Model

The Health Cloud Data Model defines the structure of data in Health Cloud, describing its objects, fields, and relationships. Understanding this model is crucial for leveraging the full potential of Health Cloud and ensuring data integrity and interoperability.


Objects in Health Cloud are entities that represent real-world concepts, such as patients, appointments, and medications. Each object has a set of fields, which are attributes associated with that concept. For example, the Patient object has fields like name, date of birth, and medical history. Health Cloud provides a comprehensive set of standard objects tailored to healthcare, including:

  • Patient: Stores patient demographics, contact information, and medical data.
  • Appointment: Tracks scheduled visits, consultations, and procedures.
  • Medication: Captures details of prescribed medications, including dosage, side effects, and interactions.

Additionally, you can create custom objects to extend the model and accommodate specific business requirements. These custom objects allow for flexible data storage and tailored functionality.


Fields within objects represent specific attributes or data points associated with that concept. They define the type of data stored, such as text, date, or number. Health Cloud provides a wide range of field types, including:

  • Text: Used for short textual data, such as patient names or medication notes.
  • Date: Stores dates and times, such as appointment dates or medication start dates.
  • Number: Captures numeric values, such as medication dosages or blood pressure readings.

Custom fields can also be created to capture additional data points that are not covered by standard fields. This flexibility allows for a comprehensive data model that meets the specific needs of healthcare organizations.


Relationships in the Health Cloud Data Model define how objects are connected to each other. They indicate which objects can be associated with each other in meaningful ways. For example, a Patient can have multiple Appointments and be prescribed multiple Medications. These relationships are defined in the data model as lookup fields, which connect related records. By leveraging relationships, Health Cloud provides a connected view of patient data, enabling comprehensive care management and insights.

Core Concepts

At the heart of Health Cloud, lies its comprehensive data model, meticulously designed to capture the intricacies of the healthcare domain. This model is composed of a rich tapestry of entities that mirror the real-world components of healthcare, such as patients, providers, visits, and medications. Each entity is meticulously crafted to encapsulate the essential characteristics and relationships that define its healthcare counterpart.

Entities in Health Cloud

The Health Cloud data model is an intricate network of interrelated entities, each representing a distinct aspect of the healthcare ecosystem. These entities are meticulously designed to capture the multifaceted nature of healthcare data, ensuring that every patient encounter, medication administration, and treatment plan is accurately documented and readily accessible. Central to this data model is the Patient entity, which serves as the focal point for all healthcare-related information. It encapsulates the patient’s demographic data, medical history, current conditions, and treatment plans, providing a holistic view of their health journey.

Alongside the Patient entity, the Provider entity plays a pivotal role in the Health Cloud data model. This entity captures the details of healthcare professionals, including their credentials, specialties, and affiliations. By linking patients to their providers, the data model facilitates seamless communication and collaboration between these two critical stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.

Furthermore, the Visit entity serves as a cornerstone of the Health Cloud data model. It meticulously records each patient encounter, capturing the date, time, location, and purpose of the visit. This entity provides a chronological account of the patient’s interactions with the healthcare system, enabling clinicians to track progress, identify trends, and make informed decisions about the patient’s care.

In addition to these core entities, the Health Cloud data model encompasses a wide spectrum of other entities, each tailored to a specific aspect of healthcare. The Medication entity, for instance, captures the details of medications prescribed to patients, including their dosage, frequency, and potential side effects. The Condition entity, on the other hand, records the patient’s current and past medical conditions, providing a comprehensive overview of their health status.

The interconnectedness of these entities within the Health Cloud data model mirrors the complexity of the healthcare ecosystem. By meticulously capturing the relationships between patients, providers, visits, medications, and conditions, the data model empowers healthcare organizations to gain a holistic understanding of their patients’ health journeys. This comprehensive data foundation enables clinicians to provide personalized care, improve patient outcomes, and drive innovation in the healthcare industry.

Object Relationships

Relationships between objects enable the modeling of complex healthcare data. These relationships establish connections between different objects, providing a comprehensive view of patient health information.

Lookup Relationships

Lookup Relationships

Lookup relationships link one object to another by referencing its unique identifier. They allow you to associate patient records with specific accounts, providers, or appointments. For example, the Patient object can have a lookup relationship to the Account object to associate it with a patient’s insurance provider.

Master-Detail Relationships

Master-Detail Relationships

Master-detail relationships establish a hierarchical relationship between two objects. The master object contains summary information, while the detail object stores related details. This relationship ensures data integrity by maintaining dependent records when the parent record is updated or deleted. For instance, the Patient object can have a master-detail relationship to the Appointment object, where each patient record can have multiple associated appointments.

Polymorphic Relationships

Polymorphic Relationships

Polymorphic relationships allow an object to relate to multiple types of child objects. This flexibility enables the modeling of complex healthcare scenarios. Consider a Patient object that can be associated with different types of clinical encounters, including appointments, procedures, or hospitalizations. Polymorphic relationships leverage a shared parent object to represent these diverse child objects.

Indirect Relationships

Indirect Relationships

Indirect relationships establish connections between objects without direct links. They utilize intermediate objects as intermediaries. For instance, the Patient object may not be directly related to the Medication object, but they can be indirectly linked through the Prescription object. Indirect relationships provide a comprehensive representation of healthcare data by connecting entities through multiple levels.

Benefits of Object Relationships

Benefits of Object Relationships

Object relationships in Health Cloud enhance data modeling capabilities and offer several benefits:
– Enhanced data integrity through referential integrity constraints
– Comprehensive representation of complex healthcare scenarios
– Improved performance by reducing data duplication
– Increased flexibility and adaptability to evolving data needs

Data Governance

Data Governance

Data governance ensures the accuracy, consistency, and security of Health Cloud data. Additionally, it addresses privacy compliance, regulatory compliance, and adherence to industry standards.

Data Governance Framework

The framework includes policies, processes, and technologies to manage data effectively. Its primary objectives include:

  1. Accurate and Reliable Data
  2. Data Consistency and Integrity
  3. Secure and Protected Health Information

Data Governance Roles and Responsibilities

Data governance involves various roles and responsibilities:

  1. Data Governance Committee: Establishes policies, standards, and guidelines.
  2. Data Owners: Responsible for specific data assets and ensuring their quality and compliance.
  3. Data Stewards: Technical experts who manage and maintain data assets.
  4. End-users: Utilize the governed data to improve patient care, research, and decision-making.

Data Governance Tools and Processes

Implementing data governance requires specific tools and processes:

  1. Data Dictionary and Metadata Management: Defines data elements, their relationships, and usage.
  2. Data Cleansing and Validation: Ensures the accuracy and consistency of data.
  3. Data Lineage and Audit Trails: Tracks data transformations, modifications, and access.
  4. Data Security and Privacy Controls: Safeguards data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Benefits of Data Governance

Data governance provides numerous benefits to healthcare organizations:

  1. Improved Data Quality and Accuracy
  2. Enhanced Regulatory Compliance
  3. Increased Data Security
  4. Optimized Data Utilization
  5. Enhanced Collaboration and Decision-Making


The Health Cloud Data Model is highly customizable, allowing healthcare organizations to tailor it to meet their unique requirements. This flexibility extends to both the data model itself and the user interface, providing organizations with the ability to:

  1. Add custom fields and objects to capture specific healthcare data
  2. Create custom relationships between objects to reflect the complexities of healthcare workflows
  3. Configure the user interface to match the organization’s branding and terminology
  4. Develop custom reports and dashboards to track key performance indicators
  5. Integrate with other healthcare systems and applications to create a comprehensive, end-to-end solution

Custom Fields and Objects

Custom fields and objects allow healthcare organizations to extend the Health Cloud Data Model to capture data that is unique to their organization. For example, an organization could create a custom field to track patient allergies or a custom object to store medication history. These additions enhance the data model’s ability to accommodate the complex and diverse nature of healthcare data.

Custom Relationships

Custom relationships enable healthcare organizations to connect objects in the Health Cloud Data Model in a way that reflects their specific workflows. For instance, an organization could create a custom relationship between the Patient object and the Medication object to track the medications prescribed for each patient. These relationships provide a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of healthcare data and support more sophisticated data analysis.

User Interface Configuration

The Health Cloud Data Model allows organizations to configure the user interface to match their branding and terminology. This customization enhances user adoption and improves the overall user experience. By tailoring the user interface to the organization’s specific needs, healthcare professionals can access and interact with data in a way that is familiar and intuitive.

Custom Reports and Dashboards

Custom reports and dashboards provide healthcare organizations with the ability to track key performance indicators and gain insights into their data. By leveraging the flexibility of the Health Cloud Data Model, organizations can create reports and dashboards that are tailored to their specific requirements. These visualizations empower healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and improve patient care.

Integration with Other Systems

The Health Cloud Data Model supports integration with other healthcare systems and applications, creating a comprehensive, end-to-end solution. This integration allows healthcare organizations to connect their data and processes, reducing data silos and improving data accuracy. By leveraging the Health Cloud Data Model’s open and extensible architecture, organizations can create a truly connected healthcare ecosystem.